The Table Lands

Here, a chart for the nine differing difficulty modes for a hypothetical fantasy turn-based rpg game titled "Claymore" that I wish to make someday.

In the game, the player will be able to parry attacks, with both normal swings and uppercut slashes.

Difficulty ChartLawfulNeutralChaotic
GoodBasic settings with room for error, good for beginners. Certain enemies will get fake-out attacks. Ramp's up fake-outs and could possibly add a chance to critacally hit the player (I'll think about it).
NeutralIndroduces the combo mechanic, where repeated hits causes increased damage. involves both the fake-outs and the combo. involves both the crit-chances and the combo.
EvilThe combo mechanic ramps up even harder, and some enemies may have attacks more difficult to dodge.combines fake-outs with enhanced combos. The hardest difficulty, matching the combo system with the previous stages crit chances.